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Jake's father Dan makes a beer that will literally (yes, not figuratively) bite you. Granted all of Dan's beers could metaphorically bite you (The Tripel in particular), this is a different sorta bite; the spicy sorta. Yes, "what?!" indeed. I'm also just kidding about "literally", because of physics, but seriously,

This. Effing. Beer...

We used to practice in Dan's brew area while also drinking his beers. It was a band tradition, and we would joke about having our own beer. "Haha, we'll have our own band beer when we're famous because we rock. Lol, let's play foosball and watch next gen now." We still do this, but that's not the point. The point is that a little nihilistic optimism goes a long way.

Then Jerd came along.

Jerd is a friend, he enjoys 40's and he happily makes mad vegan cheeses. Jerd also works at a brewery called Stout Beard Brewing Company. It's the place with the dank beer and the bangin food and the big wooden-style mugs that you drink out of before you go kickin' in Mordor. They host D&D there on Sundays (I think), Don't quote me, just go. They also have Apples to Apples.

Jerd one day was like: "Hey, your band should do a beer." 

We were obviously very famous at this point. since the planets were aligning, and so we went,  as any good band would, on an epic quest to see the very brewmeister himself... Mike.

We told Mike of our plans for the beer that would be ours. It was Dan's Jalapeno Pale Ale, Super vibrant, refreshing and with a creeping heat that doesn't burn you, it is the cold fusion of beers. We would drink this at practice, the flavor now inextricably linked to those summer nights. It was us.

With a scratch of his mighty beard, he agreed, the people cheered and plans were set. Dan would join Mike in the process for creating the brew. In the meantime, we prepared for drop.

We chose the name Heat Advisory because we though it was appropriate for the beer itself, the season, the horrors of impending climate change and because our friend Sam said the first name we came up with sucked. Incidentally the first name we came up with was just Late Earth Beer. Even though it hurt our feelings, we know he means well, and we love him very much. Lil rascal.

May 4th came. It was officially B-Day. That's 'Beer' Day just in case you weren't sure. Also, oddly enough, it was our beer's first birthday. Literally its "b-day" is also b-day. We should've said "Happy Beerthday." Wild. Also it was Star Wars day, so they had a blue milk stout on tap which was superbly tasty like delicious Christmas trees. Amidst the hanging-out, we were the canteena band for all our friends and family. We drank our spicy beer in triumph of the day, we played and sang and shouted without a PA system, everyone came that could and it was an excellent time indeed.

Late Earth Heat Advisory stayed on tap for a time until it kicked, as all good beers do, but some say it will return again. Perhaps even soon... Who can say?

Til Next Brew

late earth heat advisory: The Beer that bites ya

Capt's log 4.21.19 - all the things

Visiting home, reflecting on life while I have a quiet moment and I'm finding myself thankful for so much. Even just this side of 2019 has been eye opening to our productivity as a band. We released our self-titled album just before midnight on New Years eve and were consequently nominated for Best Alternative at the SAMMY Awards, We performed on Bridge Street News, played shows in Ithaca, Binghamton, Rochester and both the Palace Theatre and The Landmark Theater in Syracuse within one month of each other. We performed live on 95x with Marty and Shannon, got aired on Locals Only, landed amazing spots on A Lovely Time Festival and Woods Fest, gained fans in Australia, Japan and the UK while our music video for Headcase hit 43,000 views on Fb, were featured on the top ten charts for Australia's Valley FM 89.5 and to top it all off - we have our own Late Earth beer coming out on May 4th, courtesy of Stout Beard Brewery and Dan Marshall.


All of this happened between January 1st and today.


If you believe in your music, your art, your business, whatever it is, just work at it. Work at it because it makes you happy, and work at it because you love the challenge. Work at it because it's inspiring to the people who really see and care for you. Work at it without giving authority to the people who deny you, doubt you and flat out sleep on what you're doing while you're doing it. Work at it because it's yours and no one else will if you don't.

Dream as though you have the tools to succeed, now make those tools and build that damn dream!

Love and thanks to everyone who has supported us on this awesome journey. Late Earth wouldn't be the same without you, and if you're still sleeping on us and what we're doing after all this time, you just keep on sleepin' sweetheart. We'll wake you up when Madison Square Garden is on the phone ;)

Hey 2019... so... we did this music video...

We had been wanting to document one of our songs while we recorded. A few months before the new album was released, we recorded the single 'Headcase' all by itself. The idea was to do the song live in a few takes, film it, cut it together and put it up. Dennis Fernando, our videographer, caught and edited the footage. I think we did about seven takes to get all the clips need for the video you see above. The response since then has been quite interesting.

Headcase reached over 10,000 views in its first week on Facebook. We chalked it up to the sponsored post algorithm, but the feedback we got was genuine and generally pleased. People really enjoyed the song. Quoth one viewer:

"This randomly came up on my feed and I don't know the band or the people in it. That said, I listened to it twice. Good shit!"

We figured then, a record was necessary. Steve Brown of SubCat studios helped us record 11 songs for our first full-length, self-titled album, and we had a blast the whole way. From no-click-tracks, to one-take solos, to finding out Andrea has an amazing harmony to screaming gang vocals, we couldn't have had a better time.


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